Imagine ilustrativă
Cod Ean8595568936936
Cod vamal84678900
Greutate3,4000 kg/buc
Culoareorange - black
Temperatura de lucru-15 - 49 °C
StandardeEN 12549, EN 792-13 + A1 :2008E

Suitable for PO clamps series 67xx_POBD. Battery capacity max. 3000 shots. Charging time - 90 minutes (fast charging function 25 min. = 500 shots). Weight of the gun is 3,8 Kg. Adjustable power up to 82J.  Safety trigger lock against accidental shot. Gas firing (up to 750 shots per cartridge). Service of the cartridge is provided by an external company (Recimagroup).

Package: nailgun, magnetic attachment, magazine for 20 nails, charger, battery, protection glasses

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