Cod Ean | 8595057621244 |
Cod vamal | 39269097 |
Greutate | 0,0050 kg/buc |
Culoare | natural |
Material | PA |
Material fără halogeni | yes |
Rezistența la temperatură | -40 - 85 °C |
Temperatura în timpul instalării | 5 - 35 °C |
Lătime | 7,6 mm |
Lungime | 380 mm |
Diametrul înfășurării (min - max) | 8 - 96 mm |
Recomandările producătorului Tape straps should be installed immediately after unpacking from a sealed bag. This will avoid unnecessary lowering of the PA moisture level, which would result in tape strap quality decrease. The ideal conditions for storage are at a temperature of +23 °C and a relative humidity of approx. 50%. | |
Forța de deschidere | 550 N |
For normal bundling and fixing of cables, wires and pipes. For fixing to a pad, use cable tie clamps. Fire resistance according to U.L. 94 - V2. Not long-term resistant to sunlight.
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