Cod Ean8595568931009
Cod vamal73269098
Greutate0,0030 kg/buc
Diametrul şurubului5 - 6 mm
Adâncimea minimă a orificiului de forare38 mm
Diametrul găurii7 - 9 mm
Lungimea ancorei32 mm

For pre-assembled mounting in concrete, porous concrete, vertically perforated bricks, natural stone with a dense structure, solid brickwork blocks, solid sandlime bricks. The external teeth expand in the building material, thus ensuring a high loadbearing capacity. Thread must be screwed in at least min. to the full length of the anchor. The length of the anchor is calculated: length of the anchor + bolt diameter + thickness of the anchor + thickness of the plaster or insulation. The ribbed inner anchor shape is suitable for screws. If used in systems with maintained functionality in fire, a SB 6.3X45 screw is used.

Note for system with maintained functionality in fire:
You find more information in the catalogue Systems with maintained functionality in fire.

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