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Cod Ean8595568938633
Cod vamal39259080
Greutate0,0579 kg/buc
Culoareorange + gray
Material fără halogeniyes
Material fără plumbyes
Voltaj nominal500 V
Rezistența la temperatură-25 - 60 °C
Rezistență la temperatură pe termen scurt90 °C
Testat cu buclă incinsă650 °C
În medie60 mm
Lătime71 mm
Înăltime90 mm
Adâncime70 mm
Clasa de reacţie la foc a materialului de fondA1
Distanța dintre 2 doze71/90 mm
Descriere impachetarebox with shrink wrap lid

Instrument box for cast concrete - installation depth 70 mm. The lid of the box is adapted for nailing or screwing with screws to wooden formwork. The possibility to fix the lid of the box using glue from a hot melt gun. Sealed connection of the lid with the box. Pipe inlets fitted with a sealing membrane to prevent the concrete penetration. The possibility of fixed connection of boxes with a pitch of 71 mm and 90 mm. The possibility of fixing the box to the reinforcement (metal armature) ) using SB-MK 1 mounting wings (not included in the delivery). The possibility of using a box for double-sided assembly - mutual fixation using steel rods 6 mm KBP-8 (not included in the package).